Feng Gao
Feng Gao

性别: 注册于 2021-09-18

680 经验值
主页被访问 2286 次

52 个回答

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版本1.30.2 才支持,mskew函数,详情可参数,发布日志: 1.30 · dolphindb/release - 码云 - 开源中国 (gitee.com) 需要从官网上下载最新版,然后覆盖升级,升级可参考如下教程: https://gitee.com/dolphindb/Tutorials_CN/blob/master/standalone_server.md#6-server%E7%89%88%E6%9C%AC%E5%8D%87%E7%BA%A7 注意licens...

回答于 2021-10-14 16:55

0 赞同

please explain Reactive State Engine keyPurgeFilter and keyP...

Sry for your confuse, we have updated the document. You can find these 2 parameters now. The case is as follows: In this case , the reactiveStateEngine will delete those stateful data which is 3 days ago (date<today()-3) every 1 second (keyPurgeFreqInSecond=1)) when there is data inputing into...

回答于 2021-10-11 17:54