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/* *
*  @ brief  This function is used to get the disk space occupied by the DFS table
*  @ param
*  database is the absolute path of the folder where the database is stored
*  tableName is the name of dfs table
*  byNode is a Boolean value, indicating whether the disk usage is displayed by node
*  @ Return  a table containing the disk space occupied by the DFS table
*  @ sample usage  getTableDiskUsage("dfs://demodb", "machines", true)

def getTableDiskUsage(database, tableName, byNode=false){
    if(byNode == true){
        return select sum(diskUsage\1024\1024\1024) diskGB
                    from pnodeRun(getTabletsMeta{"/"+substr(database, 6)+"/%", tableName, true, -1})
                    group by node
    }else {
        return select sum(diskUsage\1024\1024\1024) diskGB
                    from pnodeRun(getTabletsMeta{"/"+substr(database, 6)+"/%", tableName, true, -1})
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