SQL 解析报错:Assignment statement failed probably due to invalid indices

为什么下述代码执行报错:orders = select SecurityID,FactorID,FactorValue from loadTable("dfs://Factor10MinSH", "Factor10MinSH") where Date == keyword_date => Assignment statement failed probably due to invalid indices [orders = select SecurityID,FactorID,FactorValue from loadTable("dfs://Factor10MinSH", "Factor10MinSH") where Date == keyword_date]

for (universe in ['SZ', 'SH']){
    if(universe == 'SZ'){
        orders = select SecurityID, FactorID, FactorValue 
            from loadTable("dfs://Factor10MinSZ", "Factor10MinSZ") 
            where Date = keyword_date
    if(universe == 'SH'){
        orders = select SecurityID, FactorID, FactorValue 
            from loadTable("dfs://Factor10MinSH", "Factor10MinSH") 
            where Date = keyword_date
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循环体内使用了 undef 所以造成解析异常,因为 go 在 for 循环中不起效,且变量可以重复赋值,所以可以把这句语句删除,或者挪到循环体外。具体说明可以参考 https://ask.dolphindb.net/question/77 

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