
db = database("dfs://barData")
t = select * from loadTable(db, "onem")
pt = loadTable(db,"onem")
k = sr_poly_all(t)
pt[`t1] = k.t
出错pt["t1"] = k."t" => Usage: update!(table, colNames, newValues, [filter]). table must be a local in-memory table (regular or segmented).
使用update set时候出现update pt set t1 = k.t, b1 = k.b => The number of rows to update doesn't match the length of new values.

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首先分布式表确实不支持 pt["t1"] = k."t" 这种更新方式,其次 The number of rows to update doesn't match the length of new values. 报错的意思是更新的数据长度和原来的待更新列的长度不一致

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  • ACE 提出于 2024-01-04 14:56
