question on the best way to do this

i've a table with timestamp, symbol, askPrice1,askPrice2, AskQty1,AskQty2 ...

and we will need to output to the following cols,

select askPrice1 *askQty1 , askPrice2*askQty2 ... askPrice50*askQty50 from table

is there any inbuilt functions we can use or any optimal way to calculate on dolphinDB?


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3 个回答



t = table(10:0, ("askPrice" + string(1..50)) join ("AskQty" + string(1..50)), take(DOUBLE, 100));


sql(sqlColAlias(binaryExpr(sqlCol("askPrice" + string(1..50)), sqlCol("AskQty" + string(1..50)), *), "tradeVol" + string(1..50)), t).eval();
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Alex - dba
cols = array(ANY, 50)
for(i in 0:50)
         cols[i] = sqlColAlias(expr(sqlCol("askPrice" + i), *, sqlCol("askQty" + i)), "tradeVol" + i)
sql(select = cols, from = t).eval()
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select askPrice1 *askQty1 , askPrice2*askQty2 ... askPrice50*askQty50 from table. This is already the optimal way.

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